LifetimeResearch® Super Resveratrol with PQQ


LifetimeResearch® Resveratrol Super with Bio PQQ  Promotes healthy blood low & cardiovascular health supports digestion and healthy metabolism aids in weight loss and healthy sexual function.


    • PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone) Enhances brain function & improves immune health.
    • Vitamin C Enhance the immune system.
    • Vitamin E Boost antioxidant levels and fight off disease.
    • Trans Resveratrol
      . Lowers Blood Pressure
      . Decreases inflammation
    • Niacinamide (No Flush) Ability to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
    • Boron Glycinate
      . Improves Brain Function
      . Supports Metabolic Processes
      . Prevents Vitamin D Deciency
    • Molybdenum Prevent toxins from building up in the body.
    • Medium Chain Triglycerides
      . Boosts energy & increases endurance
      . Lowers cholesterol
    • Coenzyme Q-10
      . Improves heart health
      . Reduces muscle fatigue

HOW IT HELPS: Resveratrol is a proven antioxidant to promote overall health and well-being.

Like traditional antioxidants which protect the body against damage that can put you at higher risk for things like cancer and heart disease, our formula has added BIO PQQ (a recently discovered vitamin-like compound with antioxidant and B-vitamin-like activity). 

More Info

Lifetime Research’s SUPER RESVERATROL with BIO PQQ has gained a lot of attention for its reported anti-aging and disease-fighting powers. Still, it’s important to note that while experts agree that it does have potential, there’s still not enough data to confirm its effectiveness. Early research does suggest it might help protect you against ailments such as Heart disease, ‘bad’ cholesterol and possibly make it more difficult for clots to form that lead to a heart attack.  It may also limit the spread of cancer cells. 
BioPQQ is created using a patented natural fermentation process that results in a highly absorbable PQQ disodium salt.   


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