LifetimeResearch® Liposomal Glutathione • Antioxidant


Liposomal Glutathione Supports Liver, Brain, Immune, and overall Health.

Not softgels.



Glutathione:  Has antioxidant properties which reduce oxidative stress
Phosphatidylcholine & Phospholipids:  Promotes liposomal action also b
oosts cognitive function, promote lipolysis, Help dissolve gallstones, Ease symptoms of ulcerative colitis, Antioxidant activity, Reduces cell damage in liver disease

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid):  Enhance the immune system

HOW IT HELPS:  Promoting  liver and intestinal health.  Taking Liposomal Glutathione protects the intestinal lining, promotes healing of any ulcerative colitis. It also aids in maintaining healthy mucus layer of the digestive system.



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